Our Partners

The ProsperUs partners consist of leaders and organizations from across our community who share accountability to support kids from cradle to career.

  • BMO Financial Group
  • City of Windsor
  • Collège Boréal
  • Connecting Windsor-Essex
  • Conseil scolaire catholique Providence
  • County of Essex
  • CUPE Local 543
  • Erie Shores Healthcare
  • Erie St. Clair LHIN
  • FCA
  • Greater Essex County District School Board
  • Green Shield Canada
  • Hôtel Dieu-Grace Healthcare
  • Invest WindsorEssex
  • John McGivney Children’s Centre
  • Leamington & District Chamber of Commerce
  • Libro Credit Union
  • Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services
  • Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration
  • Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities
  • Municipality of Leamington
  • New Canadians’ Centre of Excellence
  • Ontario Provincial Police
  • Ontario Health Steering Committee
  • Royal Bank of Canada
  • St. Clair College
  • South Essex Community Council
  • TD Canada Trust
  • Tepperman’s
  • The O’Neil Foundation
  • Toldo Foundation
  • Unifor Local 444
  • United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County
  • University of Windsor
  • Windsor & District Labour Council
  • Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board
  • Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society
  • WindsorEssex Community Foundation
  • Windsor-Essex Community Housing Corporation
  • Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
  • Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce
  • Windsor Police Service
  • Windsor Regional Hospital
  • Workforce WindsorEssex

Workforce WindsorEssex was one of the original funders of ProsperUs. The funding helped support initial research and community engagement efforts. The final report called “Together for Change: A Collective Impact Approach” researched poverty and the skills gap as well as the collective impact model. Today, Workforce WindsorEssex is an active member of the ProsperUs Leadership Council, the Communications Committee and the Data & Evaluation table.


The ProsperUs Leadership Council, which is Co-Chaired by Shelley Fellows and Jessica Sartori, consists of leaders from multiple sectors who share accountability to improve the future for our youth. United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County broadly supports the collective work of ProsperUs as the backbone organization.

c/o United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County

300 Giles Boulevard East,
Windsor, ON, Canada N9A 4C4

