Community Action Network
What is ProsperUs?
ProsperUs is focused on improving outcomes for three priority neighbourhoods where data tells us children and youth face the greatest barriers to opportunity: West Windsor, Downtown Windsor, and Leamington. To learn more, check out our Coming Together Report.
To improve priority neighbourhood outcomes, resident voices must be heard. The Community Action Network (CAN) is a network of residents living in the priority neighbourhoods, whose input drives ProsperUs work towards community change. Based on the residents’ experiences in their neighbourhood, residents in the CAN support the prioritization of barriers faced at key life milestones and co-design solutions with key delivery agencies and system experts. These solutions become part of the Cradle to Career strategy (C2C), which focuses on supporting children and youth from the time they’re born until they find a career. During this process, ProsperUs identified barriers that cannot be tackled through programmatic solutions alone.

ProsperUs is committed to resident-driven advocacy that aims at policy change, system change, behaviour change and an increase in awareness or engagement.
The ProsperUs Advocacy Working Groups (AWGs) are co-chaired and comprised of residents living in priority neighbourhoods. The AWGs meet monthly, prioritize advocacy issues, and create action plans to work together with community partners, all levels of government and the wider community to compel change.
The AWGs are currently working on advocacy plans for affordable housing and increased access to Primary Care. This webpage is where you will find updates on the work of the ProsperUs AWGs, information on resources related to their advocacy priorities as well as news, reports, and announcements. Check back from time to time to see what is new!
If you would like more information, please contact:
Karlene Nielsen, Manager, Strategic Community Engagement or 519-259-6148
If you’re interested in joining the Community Action Network, follow the link below:
*If you’re intending to apply, you must live in one of the following neighbourhoods: West Windsor, Downtown Windsor or Leamington.
Join the Community Action Network
Leamington Community Day
The 2nd Annual Leamington Community Day is an outdoor showcase of the available supports and services in the Leamington area for children, youth, and families. ProsperUs with backbone organization United Way/Centraide Windsor- Essex County is working with Leamington residents to organize, promote, and deliver the event.
Community Action Network Clean Sweep
The Community Action Network Windsor Advocacy Group participated in their first ever Neighbourhood Clean Sweep on Saturday, April 15th, just ahead of Earth Day. Group members brought out family and friends to participate. They collected 50 bags of garbage and look...
The ProsperUs Leadership Council, which is Co-Chaired by Vicki Houston and Jessica Sartori, consists of leaders from multiple sectors who share accountability to improve the future for our youth. United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County broadly supports the collective work of ProsperUs as the backbone organization.
c/o United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County
300 Giles Boulevard East,
Windsor, ON, Canada N9A 4C4