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Since 1964

A Cut Above the Rest

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A generation from now, we want Windsor-Essex County to be a prosperous place where children have the ability to achieve their dreams and reach their potential.

Our region’s greatest strength is our youth – they are the generation that will help shape our changing economy. Successful children will ultimately lead to a more vibrant and thriving community for all.
A generation from now, we want Windsor-Essex County to be a prosperous place where children have the ability to achieve their dreams and reach their potential.
Our region’s greatest strength is our youth – they are the generation that will help shape our changing economy. Successful children will ultimately lead to a more vibrant and thriving community for all.


It’s about collective impact – which means that the whole community is coming together to create opportunities for kids that no single organization or sector can do on its own.

There’s something special happening here…

  • A common vision for our community, by our community
  • Partners who are putting resources on the table – money, time and talent
  • Goals that will be measured as a community so that we can see the difference that is being made
  • Ongoing sharing of information and results for continuous improvement
  • A high-performing collective which is accountable to the community


The ProsperUs Investors Table is a collective of philanthropists, foundations, funding-based not-for-profits, private sector business, and government entities committed to financially sustaining the work of the Cradle to Career strategy. Investors work in partnership with each other and the community to enable transformative change across an entire system through catalytic and responsive philanthropy.


The ProsperUs Leadership Council, which is Co-Chaired by Vicki Houston and Jessica Sartori, consists of leaders from multiple sectors who share accountability to improve the future for our youth. United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County broadly supports the collective work of ProsperUs as the backbone organization.

c/o United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County

300 Giles Boulevard East,
Windsor, ON, Canada N9A 4C4

