ProsperUs Investors Table
The Investors Table is a collective of philanthropists, foundations, funding-based not-for-profits, private sector business, and government entities committed to financially sustaining the work of the Cradle to Career strategy. Investors work in partnership with each other and the community to enable transformative change across an entire system through catalytic and responsive philanthropy.
The Investors Table convened in November 2021. ProsperUs is grateful to the early investors who have stepped forward to lead the way to support the Cradle to Career strategy.
- Bill and Rochelle Tepperman
- BMO Financial Group
- County of Essex
- Gordie Howe International Bridge Community Benefits Plan
- GreenShield
- Libro Credit Union
- Richard and Donna Farrow
- Scotiabank
- TD Bank Group
- The O’Neil Foundation
- United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County
- Windsor and District Labour Council
“ProsperUs has worked hard to develop solutions in a different way with an emphasis on collaboration, community engagement and innovation. The Investors Table looks forward to building upon these amazing results by supporting people-centred and community developed solutions that will ensure significant and sustainable progress.”
Tim Catherwood
Board of Directors, United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County
“Just as ProsperUs is building an entirely new model for community organization, support and intervention, the Investors Table has an equally exciting opportunity to architect new ways of engaging with the community and mobilizing resources for amplified impact. This collaborative investor engagement will be a truly pioneering role within the Windsor-Essex philanthropic context.”
Liz O’Neil Meurehg
Chair/CEO, The O’Neil Foundation
The Investors Table embraces equity-centered philanthropy – offering multi-year funding, as well as organizational support and capacity building.
Investors will also work in partnership with residents, front-line service providers, and other subject matter experts to support the continuous improvement of solutions. They will help make real-time improvements to programs and services as needed to ensure we are moving the needle on Cradle to Career milestones.
ProsperUs solutions will be delivered by community organizations serving children, youth and families that have experience in each solution area and have the capacity to deliver The desired impact. These organizations can be registered charities, not-for-profit organizations, or grassroots groups with deep ties to children, youth, and families in the priority neighbourhoods.
Investors play a critical role in achieving the vision to support children from cradle to career. Convening a comprehensive investor’s strategy to improve outcomes for local children.
By 2025, we hope to raise $15 million annually to scale these innovative solutions across three neighbourhoods.
To get us there, we’re looking to recruit Investors who will:

- Invest in the strategy with a commitment of $250,000 over 5 years to a pooled investment fund
- Participate in learning opportunities to enhance capacity for systems change work (monthly meetings; 2-3 months)
- Determine investments on a rolling basis
- Review quarterly reports and provide feedback on funded solutions, aligning Decision making with a continuous improvement process (quarterly meetings)

Investors will work within a shared success model and will see the following benefits of this approach:
- Improved ability to invest resources where they will have optimal impact, reducing
duplication and fragmentation of service delivery - Access to shared community-level data in real time to evaluate effectiveness of
community investments - Greater access to new expertise and capacity building opportunities through the network
- Unique opportunities to leverage influence and power to broker relationships and unlock
new funding for the Windsor-Essex County region - Over time, increased cost savings through a coordinated, backbone supported mode
- Social media posts across ProsperUs and United Way platforms
- Print recognition on annual progress reports
- Digital recognition on ProsperUs and United Way websites
- Seat at the ProsperUs Investors Table
- Volunteer opportunities to engage employees
- Invitation to media or special events
- Invitation to participate on committees or special projects
- Opportunity to connect with residents and service organizations
- ProsperUs Annual Progress Report
- Investors Table Stewardship Report
- Ongoig Continuous Improvement Reports
- Participation in the Continuous Improvement process
Milestone 1
Early Years
- Childcare: Access to affordable and quality childcare
- Childhood Development: Access to services and resources that help achieve healthy development for pre-natal to pre-school children
- Literacy: Access to literacy resources and experiences to develop reading skills
Milestone 2 & 3
Elementary Age
- Mental Health: Decrease wait times for services and more in-school mental health supports
- Education: Access to quality after-school programs to improve grades, develop skills and build character
- Food: Access to enough nutritious food during the school day
Milestone 4 & 5
High School &
- Navigation: Support to complete high school and enroll in post-secondary education
- Financial Barriers: Support youth applying for bursaries, and providing education and financial literacy
- Mental Health: Access to non-stigmatizing and youth-friendly mental health services
United Way is the fiscal agent for the ProsperUs Collective and financial contributions for the Cradle to Career strategy are directed through the non-profit organization. United Way maintains oversight on the strategy’s impact through evaluation and continuous improvement, administrative support, and by working with the community to elevate the voices of residents in solution design.
CONNECT with Lorraine Goddard, CEO of United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County to learn more about how to get involved with the ProsperUs Investors Table at
The ProsperUs Leadership Council, which is Co-Chaired by Vicki Houston and Jessica Sartori, consists of leaders from multiple sectors who share accountability to improve the future for our youth. United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County broadly supports the collective work of ProsperUs as the backbone organization.
c/o United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County
300 Giles Boulevard East,
Windsor, ON, Canada N9A 4C4