ProsperUs releases update on the progress of Cradle to Career strategy in Windsor-Essex

The 2020 Fall Update Report outlines the collective’s progress on its Cradle to Career strategy to eliminate childhood poverty in the region. The report highlights how community residents, service providers, and public and private investors are working together to build a better future for children and youth in Windsor-Essex County.

The 2020 Fall Update Report is a follow-up to ProsperUs’ first milestone report released last year. ProsperUs identified three priority neighbourhoods where the greatest challenges existed: Downtown Windsor, West Windsor, and Leamington. These neighbourhoods are targeted for ProsperUs’ pilot Cradle to Career investments.

Over the past year, ProsperUs began working on developing fully funded solutions to tackle these challenges, including forming Community Action Network (CAN) Working Groups, consisting of residents, service providers and subject matter experts. As part of its continuous improvement strategy, ProsperUS invested a significant amount of time and resources in building the capacity of the CAN Working Groups and identifying the barriers that exist within each neighbourhood. The CAN Working groups are currently working on developing and designing solutions to these barriers, with the hopes of engaging investors and creating long-term sustainable change.

Over the next year, ProsperUs and the CAN Working Groups will be engaging public, private, government, and philanthropic investors to share their ideas and solutions as they work together to move the needle on Cradle to Career outcomes.